Institut für Stahlbau Forschung Forschungsprojekte
EERA Integrated Research Programme Wind

EERA Integrated Research Programme Wind

Leitung:  DTU (Peter Schaumann at the Institute for Steel Construction)
Team:  Sebastian Kelma
Jahr:  2014
Datum:  01-03-14
Förderung:  EU-FP7
Laufzeit:  1. März 2014 - 28. Februar 2018
Weitere Informationen

IRPWIND is an integrated research programme that combines strategic research projects and support activities within the field of Wind Energy, with the aim of lever-aging the long-term European research potential. IRPWIND gathers together 24 leading research institutions and will directly contribute to promoting joint collaborative projects and overall reinforcement of research excellence across Europe, as well as optimising networking benefits from joint use of European facilities.


  • Institut für Stahlbau
  • Institut für Statik und Dynamik
  • Institut für Geotechnik

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