Promotion of Manuela Böhm

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The picture shows the doctoral committee and the doctoral candidate (f.l.t.r.: Prof. R. Rolfes, Prof. A. Taras, M. Böhm, Prof. P. Schaumann, Prof. M. Achmus)

On Friday, 12 April 2024, Manuela Böhm's doctoral procedure was completed. The final phase of the doctoral procedure began with her doctoral presentation on the topic "Buckling analysis of suction buckets: Influence of uncertainty in imperfections and soil parameters". After an outstanding presentation and a convincing disputation, she received the top grade with distinction.

After the examination, we had a wonderful party in the circle of many former and actual doctoral students. The Institute congratulates Dr.-Ing. Böhm very warmly and wishes all the best for her professional and private future.