Hochentwickelte neue Materialien
Memory-Steel Fatigue - Influence of precipitates on stress relaxation and fatigue behavior of prestressed Fe-based Shape Memory AlloysMemory-Steel FatigueLed by: Elyas GhafooriTeam:Year: 2024Funding: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFGDuration: 01.03.2024 - 28.02.2027
Bolt & Beautiful - To reduce costs and increase bolting safety for future large wind turbinesBolt & BeautifulLed by: Elyas GhafooriTeam:Year: 2022Funding: Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) and TKI Wind op ZeeDuration: 06.09.2022 - 31.08.2026© GROW
Influence of corrosive media on the fatigue strength of offshore wind energy support structuresSub-project from the lead project: Offshore wind energy systems for hydrogen supplyLed by: Elyas GhafooriTeam:Year: 2020Funding: AiF – Projekt gefördert durch das BMWiDuration: 01.12.2020 – 31.05.2023
Investigation of the load-bearing behaviour of offshore grout connections under water on supporting structures under dynamic loadsGrout-WATCHLed by: Elyas GhafooriTeam:Year: 2020Funding: BMWiDuration: 1. März 2020 – 31. Dezember 2023
Yield-controlled tightening of bolted connections M12 to M72 for steel constructionLed by: Elyas GhafooriTeam:Year: 2020Funding: AiF - Project sponsored by BMWiDuration: 01.01.2020 - 30.06.2022
DFWind II (German Research Plattform for Wind Energy)Led by: Elyas GhafooriTeam:Year: 2020Funding: BMWKDuration: 01.09.2020 - 31.08.2024 (extension planned)© https://forschungspark-windenergie.de/
Probabilistic Safety Assessment of Offshore Wind TurbinesPSB OWEALed by: Peter SchaumannTeam:Year: 2009Funding: Niedersächsisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und KulturDuration: 01-12-2009 - 30-11-2014
Fatigue resistance of butt welds using high-strength offshore fine-grain structural steels with and without post-weld treatments for the construction of offshore wind energy convertersLed by: Elyas GhafooriTeam:Year: 2021Funding: AiF gefördert durch das BMWiDuration: 01.01.2021-30.06.2023
SmartWeld - Innovatives Design- und Fertigungskonzept zur Steigerung der Leichtbaupotenziale im StahlbauSmartWeldLed by: Elyas GhafooriTeam:Year: 2021Funding: BMWiDuration: 01.05.2021 - 30.04.2025© Institut für Stahlbau
Fire Resistance of Innovative and Slender Concrete Filled Tubular Composite ColumnsFRISCCLed by: Peter SchaumannTeam:Year: 2012Funding: RFCSDuration: 01.07.2012-30.06.2015
Bolt & Beautiful - To reduce costs and increase bolting safety for future large wind turbinesBolt & BeautifulLed by: Elyas GhafooriTeam:Year: 2022Funding: Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) and TKI Wind op ZeeDuration: 06.09.2022 - 31.08.2026© GROW
Yield-controlled tightening of bolted connections M12 to M72 for steel constructionLed by: Elyas GhafooriTeam:Year: 2020Funding: AiF - Project sponsored by BMWiDuration: 01.01.2020 - 30.06.2022
DFWind II (German Research Plattform for Wind Energy)Led by: Elyas GhafooriTeam:Year: 2020Funding: BMWKDuration: 01.09.2020 - 31.08.2024 (extension planned)© https://forschungspark-windenergie.de/
Memory-Steel Fatigue - Influence of precipitates on stress relaxation and fatigue behavior of prestressed Fe-based Shape Memory AlloysMemory-Steel FatigueLed by: Elyas GhafooriTeam:Year: 2024Funding: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFGDuration: 01.03.2024 - 28.02.2027
Innovation Eco-system to Accelerate the Industrial Uptake of Advanced Surface Nano-Technologies. TOPIC: Open Innovation Test Beds for nano-enabled surfaces and membranesNewSkinLed by: Elyas GhafooriTeam:Year: 2020Funding: EU - Horizon 2020Duration: 01.04.2020 - 31.03.2024
Brandschutz im Stahlbau
Fire Resistance of Innovative and Slender Concrete Filled Tubular Composite ColumnsFRISCCLed by: Peter SchaumannTeam:Year: 2012Funding: RFCSDuration: 01.07.2012-30.06.2015
Optimized Application of Intumescent Coatings in Steel StructuresDSBLed by: Peter SchaumannTeam:Year: 2011Funding: AiF Projekt gefördert durch das BMWiDuration: 01.06.2011 - 31.10.2013
Optimized Application of Intumescent Coatings in Steel StructuresDSBLed by: Peter SchaumannTeam:Year: 2011Funding: AiF Projekt gefördert durch das BMWiDuration: 01.06.2011 - 31.10.2013
Behaviour of Bolted Connections in FireBolts in FireLed by: Peter SchaumannTeam:Year: 2010Funding: AiF Projekt gefördert durch das BMWiDuration: 01.06.2010 - 31.05.2012
Behaviour of Bolted Connections in FireBolts in FireLed by: Peter SchaumannTeam:Year: 2010Funding: AiF Projekt gefördert durch das BMWiDuration: 01.06.2010 - 31.05.2012