5th and 6th March were two intensive days of high-quality presentations with interesting discussions at the DASt-colloquium organized by Technische Universität München. Thanks go to Martin Mensinger and his team for the successful organization of the event. Eight scientific members of Institute for Steel Construction at LU Hannover attended the colloquium while two of them delivered a talk on topics related to fatigue and bolted connections.
In the first day, Dr. Sulaiman Shojai gave a talk on “Determination of the fatigue strength of corroded welded joints using local concepts”, which received the second-best DASt award; congratulations to Sulaiman for this great achievement! In the second day, Mr. Christopher Schierl provided an excellent presentation on “Yield point-controlled tightening of screwed connections in steel construction”. The project has been conducted in collaboration with the group of Prof. Natalie Stranghöner.
Special thanks to Dr. Gregor Nüsse from FOSTA - Forschungsvereinigung Stahlanwendung e. V. for coordination of these projects and AiF e.V. for the financial support.