
Showing results 1 - 14 out of 14


Böhm, M, Schaumann, P & Ghafoori, E 2024, 'Shell buckling of suction buckets for offshore wind turbines considering imperfection and soil parameter sensitivity', Engineering structures, vol. 302, 117310.
Schaumann, P, Böhm, M, Schierl, C & Shojai, S 2024, 'Aktuelle Stahlbauforschung für die Offshore-Windenergie', STAHLBAU, vol. 93, no. 7, pp. 508-521.


Böhm, M, Schaumann, P & Ghafoori, E 2023, Soil modeling for buckling analyses of suction bucket installation in sand. in JS Chung, D Wan, S Yamaguchi, S Yan, I Buzin, H Kawai, H Liu, I Kubat, B-F Peng, A Reza, V Sriram & SH Van (eds), Proceedings of the 33rd International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, 2023. Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, pp. 1341-1348, 33rd International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE 2023, Ottawa, Canada, 19 Jun 2023.
Ramos, JP, Widerspan, V, Heinrich, D & Böhm, M 2023, Derivation of adapted soil springs for the buckling analysis of suction caissons during installation. in Offshore Technology., v001t00a006, Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE, vol. 1, American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME), ASME 2023 42nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE 2023, Melbourne, Australia, 11 Jun 2023.
Sadowski, AJ, Seidel, M, Al-Lawati, H, Azizi, E, Balscheit, H, Böhm, M, Chen, L, van Dijk, I, Doerich-Stavridis, C, Fajuyitan, OK, Filippidis, A, Fischer, AW, Fischer, C, Gerasimidis, S, Karampour, H, Kathirkamanathan, L, Marten, F, Mihara, Y, Mishra, S, Sakharov, V, Shahini, A, Subramanian, S, Topkaya, C, Wagner, HNR, Wang, J, Wang, J, Yadav, KK, Yun, X & Zhang, P 2023, '8-MW wind turbine tower computational shell buckling benchmark. Part 1: An international ‘round-robin’ exercise', Engineering failure analysis, vol. 148, 107124.


Böhm, M & Schaumann, P 2022, 'Imperfection Sensitivity of Large Cylindrical Shells Under Vacuum Considering Different Geometric Ratios', ce/papers, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 659-666.
Böhm, M & Schaumann, P 2022, 'Shell buckling simulations of suction buckets with stochastic and deterministic imperfection forms', Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 2265, no. 4, 042031.
Böhm, M & Schaumann, P 2022, 'Stochastic modeling of geometric imperfections for buckling analysis of suction buckets', Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 2362, no. 1, 012007.
Foglia, A, Quiroz, T, Widerspan, V, Heinrich, D, Binsker, G, Schenk, A, Sanders, I, Achmus, M, Collmann, M, Böhm, M, Schaumann, P, Elsesser, W, Schädlich, B, Kirsch, F, Richter, T, Gose, M, Pehl, P, Kleineidam, P, Maas, J, Ibis, S & Oltmann, K 2022, 'Aktuelle Untersuchungen an Suction Buckets für Offshore-Windenergieanlagen: das ProBucket-Projekt', BAUTECHNIK, vol. 99, no. 9, pp. 669-678.


Schaumann, P, Böhm, M & Schürmann, K 2021, 'Improvements in the fatigue design of support structures for offshore wind turbines', Steel Construction, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 74-82.


Böhm, M, Robertson, A, Hübler, C, Rolfes, R & Schaumann, P 2020, 'Optimization-based calibration of hydrodynamic drag coefficients for a semisubmersible platform using experimental data of an irregular sea state', Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 1669, no. 1, 012023.


Tom, N, Robertson, A, Jonkman, J, Wendt, F & Böhm, M 2019, Bichromatic wave selection for validation of the difference-frequency transfer function for the OC6 validation campaign. in Proceedings of the ASME 2019, 2nd International Offshore Wind Technical Conference, IOWTC2019. American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME), 2nd International Offshore Wind Technical Conference, IOWTC 2019, St. Julian's, Malta, 3 Nov 2019.


Chavez Boggio, JM, Rieznik, AA, Zajnulina, M, Böhm, M, Bodenmüller, D, Wysmolek, M, Sayinc, H, Neumann, J, Kracht, D, Haynes, R & Roth, MM 2012, Generation of an astronomical optical frequency comb in three fibre-based nonlinear stages. in Nonlinear Optics and Applications VI., 84340Y, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, vol. 8434, Nonlinear Optics and Applications VI, Brüssel, Belgium, 16 Apr 2012.


Ziems, T, Adarsh, KV, Böhm, M, Demircan, A & Mitschke, F 2007, Self-organized Supercontinuum Generation from a Nonlinear Fiber Resonator. in Bragg Gratings, Photosensitivity, and Poling in Glass Waveguides, BGPP 2007., JWBPDP7, Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, Optica Publishing Group (formerly OSA), Bragg Gratings, Photosensitivity, and Poling in Glass Waveguides, BGPP 2007, Quebec City, Canada, 2 Sept 2007.