Showing results 21 - 40 out of 265
Li, L, Martinelli, E, Wang, W, Chatzi, E & Ghafoori, E 2024, 'Influence of post-processing methods on bond-slip behavior of nonlinear Fe-SMA lap-shear joints', Case Studies in Construction Materials, vol. 21, e03485.
Lopes, JG, Martins, D, Zhang, K, Li, B, Wang, B, Wang, X, Schell, N, Ghafoori, E, Baptista, AC & Oliveira, JP 2024, 'Unveiling the microstructure evolution and mechanical properties in a gas tungsten arc-welded Fe–Mn–Si–Cr–Ni shape memory alloy', Journal of materials science, vol. 59, no. 17, pp. 7387-7408.
Memarian, M, Mohri, M, Golrang, M, Leinenbach, C, Ferretto, I, Ghafoori, E & Nili-Ahmadabadi, M 2024, 'Evaluation of Interface and Residual Strain of NiTi Layer Deposited on NiTiX Substrate by Laser Powder Bed Fusion', Advanced engineering materials, vol. 26, no. 11, 2400002.
Memarian, M, Mohri, M, Leinenbach, C, Kulkarni, PV, Ghafoori, E & Nili-Ahmadabadi, M 2024, 'Microstructure and shape memory behavior of a bi-layer fabricated by NiTi deposition on NiTiCu substrate using laser powder bed fusion', Materials Science and Engineering: A, vol. 916, 147309.
Meyer, P, Schaumann, P, Sander, L & Zehfuß, J 2024, 'Brandrisiko von E-Fahrzeugen und kraftstoffbetriebenen Fahrzeugen in offenen, oberirdischen Parkgaragen: Teil 2: Bauteilbemessung und Zuverlässigkeitsanalyse', STAHLBAU, vol. 93, no. 5, pp. 293-305.
Nuber, A, Borgelt, JM, Collmann, M, Dreger, D, Friedmann, H, Kohlmeier, M, Schossig, T, Römgens, N, Tsiapoki, S & Wernitz, S 2024, 'Untersuchung des Tragverhaltens von Offshore-Grout-Verbindungen unter Wasser', Schiff & Hafen : Fachzeitschrift für Schifffahrt, Schiffbau & Offshore-Technologie, vol. 2024, no. 05, pp. 36-42.
Pichler, N, Wang, W, Li, L, Ghafoori, E & Motavalli, M 2025, 'Mixed-mode failure of adhesively bonded CFRP and iron-based shape memory alloy joints: Experiments and modeling', Engineering structures, vol. 326, 119486.
Pichler, N, Wang, W, Motavalli, M, Taras, A & Ghafoori, E 2024, 'Mode I fracture analysis of Fe-SMA bonded double cantilever beam considering nonlinear behavior of the adherends', Engineering fracture mechanics, vol. 295, 109789.
Rashnooie, R, Zeinoddini, M, Ghafoori, E & Sharafi, M 2024, 'Experimental and numerical study on the in-plane bending behaviour of FRP-strengthened steel tubular welded T-joints', Thin-walled structures, vol. 201, 112000.
Schaumann, P, Böhm, M, Schierl, C & Shojai, S 2024, 'Aktuelle Stahlbauforschung für die Offshore-Windenergie', STAHLBAU, vol. 93, no. 7, pp. 508-521.
Shojai, S, Brömer, T, Ghafoori, E & Schaumann, P 2024, 'Application of local fatigue approaches on corroded welded joints with consideration of weld geometry and residual stresses', Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, vol. 129, 104215.
Shojai, S, Schaumann, P & Ghafoori, E 2024, 'Micro-support effect consideration in fatigue analysis of corroded steel based on real surface geometry', Journal of Constructional Steel Research, vol. 212, 108259.
Wang, W, Guo, X, Zhou, W, Ma, Y, Motavalli, M & Ghafoori, E 2024, 'Bonded and prestressed fatigue crack retarders based on Fe-SMA', International journal of fatigue, vol. 184, 108301.
Wang, W, Zhou, W, Ma, Y, Motavalli, M & Ghafoori, E 2024, 'Complete fatigue crack arrest in metallic structures using bonded prestressed iron-based shape memory alloy repairs', International journal of fatigue, vol. 180, 108104.
Wang, S, Su, Q, Jiang, X, Michels, J & Ghafoori, E 2024, 'Fully bonded iron-based shape memory alloy for retrofitting large-scale bridge girders: Thermal and mechanical behavior', Structures, vol. 65, 106710.
Wang, S, Su, Q, Jiang, X, Li, L, Motavalli, M & Ghafoori, E 2024, 'Self-prestressing bonded patches using Fe-SMA and CFRP for lifetime extension of fatigue-cracked steel details', Construction and Building Materials, vol. 443, 137690.
Böhm, M, Schaumann, P & Ghafoori, E 2023, Soil modeling for buckling analyses of suction bucket installation in sand. in JS Chung, D Wan, S Yamaguchi, S Yan, I Buzin, H Kawai, H Liu, I Kubat, B-F Peng, A Reza, V Sriram & SH Van (eds), Proceedings of the 33rd International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, 2023. Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, pp. 1341-1348, 33rd International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE 2023, Ottawa, Canada, 19 Jun 2023.
Chen, ZY, Gu, XL, Zhao, XL, Ghafoori, E & Yu, QQ 2023, 'Fatigue Tests on Fe-SMA Strengthened Steel Plates Considering Thermal Effects', Journal of Structural Engineering (United States), vol. 149, no. 3, 04022255.
Chen, ZY, Gu, XL, Vollmer, M, Niendorf, T, Ghafoori, E & Yu, QQ 2023, 'Recovery stress behavior of Fe-SMA under fatigue and thermal loading', Thin-walled structures, vol. 188, 110799.
Dänekas, C, Schaumann, P, Ghafoori, E, Heikebrügge, S & Breidenstein, B 2023, Deep rolling and geometry evaluation of butt welds. in JS Chung, D Wan, S Yamaguchi, S Yan, I Buzin, H Kawai, H Liu, I Kubat, B-F Peng, A Reza, V Sriram & SH Van (eds), Proceedings of the 33rd International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, 2023. Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers, pp. 2996-3002, 33rd International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE 2023, Ottawa, Canada, 19 Jun 2023.