Showing results 61 - 80 out of 268
Shojai, S, Brömer, T, Ghafoori, E, Woitzik, C, Braun, M, Köhler, M & Schaumann, P 2023, 'Assessment of corrosion fatigue in welded joints using 3D surface scans, digital image correlation, hardness measurements, and residual stress analysis', International journal of fatigue, vol. 176, 107866.
Wang, S, Su, Q, Jiang, X & Ghafoori, E 2023, 'Stability of steel columns with bolted strengthening under preload: An analytical model', Journal of Constructional Steel Research, vol. 201, 107699.
Wang, S, Li, L, Su, Q, Jiang, X & Ghafoori, E 2023, 'Strengthening of steel beams with adhesively bonded memory-steel strips', Thin-walled structures, vol. 189, 110901.
Woitzik, C, Braun, M, von Bock und Polach, F, Ehlers, S, Shojai, S & Schaumann, P 2023, Fatigue assessment of offshore wind turbine support structures subjected to seawater. in JW Ringsberg & CG Soares (eds), Advances in the Analysis and Design of Marine Structures - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Marine Structures, MARSTRUCT 2023. Advances in the Analysis and Design of Marine Structures - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Marine Structures, MARSTRUCT 2023, CRC Press/Balkema, pp. 521-528, 9th International Conference on Marine Structures, MARSTRUCT 2023, Gothenburg, Sweden, 3 Apr 2023.
Betz, KS, Schaumann, P & Kulikowski, J 2022, 'New Test Bed for Corroded Large Size Bolted Connections Under Fatigue and Pretension', ce/papers, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 235-241.
Böhm, M & Schaumann, P 2022, 'Imperfection Sensitivity of Large Cylindrical Shells Under Vacuum Considering Different Geometric Ratios', ce/papers, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 659-666.
Böhm, M & Schaumann, P 2022, 'Shell buckling simulations of suction buckets with stochastic and deterministic imperfection forms', Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 2265, no. 4, 042031.
Böhm, M & Schaumann, P 2022, 'Stochastic modeling of geometric imperfections for buckling analysis of suction buckets', Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 2362, no. 1, 012007.
Dänekas, C, Heikebrügge, S, Kulikowski, J, Heide, KM, Schaumann, P, Breidenstein, B & Bergmann, B 2022, 'Automatisierte Schweißnahtnachbehandlung für Offshore-Windenergieanlagen' STAHLBAU, vol. 91, no. 10, pp. 683-695.
Dänekas, C, Heikebrügge, S, Schubnell, J, Schaumann, P, Breidenstein, B & Bergmann, B 2022, 'Influence of deep rolling on surface layer condition and fatigue life of steel welded joints', International journal of fatigue, vol. 162, 106994.
Foglia, A, Quiroz, T, Widerspan, V, Heinrich, D, Binsker, G, Schenk, A, Sanders, I, Achmus, M, Collmann, M, Böhm, M, Schaumann, P, Elsesser, W, Schädlich, B, Kirsch, F, Richter, T, Gose, M, Pehl, P, Kleineidam, P, Maas, J, Ibis, S & Oltmann, K 2022, 'Aktuelle Untersuchungen an Suction Buckets für Offshore-Windenergieanlagen: das ProBucket-Projekt', BAUTECHNIK, vol. 99, no. 9, pp. 669-678.
Ghafoori, E, Wang, B & Andrawes, B 2022, 'Shape memory alloys for structural engineering: An editorial overview of research and future potentials', Engineering structures, vol. 273, 115138.,
Heide, KM, Heikebrügge, S, Dänekas, C, Breidenstein, B & Schaumann, P 2022, 'Automated geometry measurement and deep rolling of butt welds', Welding in the world, vol. 66, no. 12, pp. 2533-2547.
Heikebrügge, S, Breidenstein, B, Bergmann, B, Dänekas, C & Schaumann, P 2022, 'Experimental and Numerical Investigations of the Deep Rolling Process to Analyze the Local Deformation Behavior of Welded Joints', Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, vol. 6, no. 3, 50.
Heikebrügge, S, Breidenstein, B, Bergmann, B, Dänekas, C, Schaumann, P & Schubnell, J 2022, 'Identification of material properties for finite element simulation of the deep rolling process applied to welded joints', Procedia CIRP, vol. 115, pp. 30-35.
Khodaverdi, H, Mohri, M, Ghafoori, E, Ghorabaei, AS & Nili-Ahmadabadi, M 2022, 'Enhanced pseudoelasticity of an Fe-Mn-Si-based shape memory alloy by applying microstructural engineering through recrystallization and precipitation', Journal of Materials Research and Technology, vol. 21, pp. 2999-3013.
Meyer, PD 2022, 'Schubtragverhalten von Verbunddübelleisten bei Stahlverbundträgern im Brandfall', Doctor of Engineering, Leibniz University Hannover, Hannover.
Momber, AW, Nattkemper, TW, Langenkämper, D, Möller, T, Brün, D, Schaumann, P & Shojai, MS 2022, 'A data-based model for condition monitoring and maintenance planning for protective coating systems for wind tower structures', Renewable energy, vol. 186, pp. 957-973.,
Mund, M & Schaumann, P 2022, Bewertung der thermischen Schutzwirkung von gealterten reaktiven Brandschutzsystemen für Stahlbauteile. in Tagungsband des 23. DASt-Forschungskolloquium. Deutscher Ausschuss für Stahlbau, Dortmund, pp. 85-88.
Schaumann, P, Mund, M, Schartel, B, Hothan, S, Häßler, D & Daus, L-H 2022, Bewertung des Feuerwiderstandes von Stahlkonstruktionen mit reaktiven Brandschutzsystemen unter Berücksichtigung des Alterungsverhaltens: Abschlussbericht zu IGF-Vorhaben 20470N. Deutscher Ausschuss für Stahlbau, Düsseldorf. <>