The students have advanced knowlegde of design and calculation methods for dimensioning of support structures for offshore wind turbines (OWT). Here, special topics are loads induced by the seastate, fatigue design applying local concepts, constructive details at structural connections, monitoring of vibrations and concepts for reduction of vibrations. The essential methodologies for dimensioning and structural design of support structures for OWTs with different substructures (such as monopiles, jackets, tripods, tripiles or gravity-based fundations) are adressed. Additionally, concepts for installation and logistics are discussed related to the structural design. The students are familiar with relevant standards and with software for the structural design.
- Design basis
- Foundation soil analysis, foundations and verification
- Design of support structures
- Modelling and simulation (tools)
- Monitoring of and reduction of vibrations
- verification of substructures and of the tower (ultimate strength, fatigue, structural details)
- Manufacturing, transport and installation
- Noise protection measures
The requierements to pass the course are the participitation at an oral examination and the writing of an term paper (including a presentation).
Thu 3:45 pm - 5:15 pm, Building 3408 Room 402
Fri 8:00 am - 9:30 am, Building 3408 Room 402
The course will be held by lecturers of the Institute for Steel Construction, Institute of Structural Analysis and Institute for Geotechnical Engeneering.